How To Hate Your Job Less

Published: Aug. 3, 2022, 7:01 a.m.

b'In this age of the Great Resignation, there are options if you\\u2019re not loving your job. But, just because the current job market is a worker\\u2019s market, doesn\\u2019t mean that quitting your job is a risk-free endeavor.\\xa0\\nIf you don\\u2019t have any other work lined up, you could be looking at a lull where you don\\u2019t have any money coming in. And let\\u2019s be honest: not everyone is in a position to cut off income. So, realistically, there will be times when you need to keep at a job that you don\\u2019t love. If you find yourself in that kind of a scenario, here are five things you can do to hate your job less.'