Open Banking one year on

Published: Feb. 13, 2019, 4:26 p.m.


So where are we with the promised Open Banking revolution?

A little over a year ago we were teetering on the edge of radical reform after new rules meant that customers could give permission for their bank to share details of their current account with other banks and regulated companies.

The plan was that by studying your spending and income details firms will be able to offer you financial products, give you a credit rating, or suggest ways to save money.

What are you experiences? From 1pm on Wednesday 13th February you can call 03 700 100 444 or email anytime:

Joining Paul Lewis on the panel this week:\\nImran Gulamhuseinwala, Implementation Trustee for Open Banking Ltd\\nPamela Meadows, payments expert from the Financial Services Consumer Panel.\\nFreddy Kelly, founder Credit Kudos.

Presenter: Paul Lewis\\nProducer: Alex Lewis\\nEditor: Jasper Corbett
