MBL: Charity fundraising

Published: Dec. 23, 2020, 4:30 p.m.


It\\u2019s been a tough year for charities since the global pandemic struck but many of you have come up with innovative ways to raise money for the causes you love. The closure of charity shops and the cancellation of events has greatly reduced income and many charities are also experiencing rising demands, so finding new ways to generate income has been vital.

On Wednesday\\u2019s Money Box Live Louise Cooper and guests will look at charity finances and fundraising in 2020. Joining Louise are:

Caron Bradshaw, Charity Finance Group\\nDaniel Fluskey, Institute of Fundraising\\nRobin Osterley, Charity Retail Association

We\\u2019d love to hear your ideas and experiences so e-mail moneybox@bbc.co.uk now to join in with the conversation.

Presenter: Louise Cooper\\nProducer: Diane Richardson\\nEditor: Emma Rippon
