The Pathway To Happiness: Chapter 13. FEAR

Published: June 18, 2023, 10:08 p.m.


These episodes are from the book The Pathway To Happiness. \\u2060\\u2060\\u2060\\u2060\\u2060\\u2060ISBN 979 842 094 871 2\\u2060\\u2060\\u2060\\u2060\\u2060\\u2060


These EXCERPTS have been produced to offer listeners free access to the written works of Paul J. Pettit.


Learn how to control the aggregates of Self, and you will be the creator of each present moment.


\\u2060\\u2060\\u2060\\u2060\\u2060\\u2060ABOUT THE AUTHOR\\u2060\\u2060\\u2060\\u2060\\u2060\\u2060:


\\u2060\\u2060\\u2060\\u2060\\u2060\\u2060Paul J Pettit\\u2060\\u2060\\u2060\\u2060\\u2060\\u2060 Born in Sydney Australia in 1963.


Proud Citizen of Australia & USA - both are home.


Paul is a practitioner of *Naturopathy, Certified Life Coach, Certified Reflexologist, & Certified Naturopathic Usui Shiki Ryoho Reiki Therapist.


He is also a published author of a series of self-help books, and Podcast host of the weekly podcast show Mindfulness Mondays


Paul specializes in mindfulness-based practices.


* Naturopaths use natural therapies to treat pathology or diseases and dysfunctions. For more information on\\u2060\\u2060\\u2060\\u2060\\u2060\\u2060 Paul Pettit -\\u2060

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