Mindful Multi Family Show #179 with Chris Salerno(Mastering RV Parks with Greg Scully and Darren Light)

Published: Oct. 13, 2021, 2:57 p.m.

Greg Scully

Greg is a former small business owner and retired from a 20 year career with Frito-Lay.  Since 2016 he has invested passively in 50 units in Beech Grove Indiana and has had an active ownership role in 204 units split between Chattanooga, Johnson City and Knoxville Tennessee.  The combined market value of these properties is approximately $12,800,000.00. Previous real estate investing included single family homes in Memphis and a small residential development project in South Carolina.


Darren Light

Darren has been investing in real estate full time for 2 ½ years, 3 years total. He started by purchasing single family rental homes and doing flips. He quickly realized that multifamily was a much simpler and faster way to create wealth. He has been a general partner in 204 units combined in Knoxville. Johnson City, and Chattanooga, Tennessee. He also has 6 flip homes in various stages for 2019. He is local to the area, having grown up in Oak Ridge, and wishes to employ a buy and hold strategy in multifamily, especially in the local area.


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