Mindful Multi Family Show #150 with Chris Salerno (Overcoming the Wall Street Game with Damion Lupo, best-selling author of 12 books on personal finance, investment, and retirement planning)

Published: May 15, 2021, 8:30 a.m.

Damion Lupo’s mission is simple: to free a million people from financial bondage. His unique tool is a fusion of financial literacy and a little-known strategy called the eQRP® that allows investors to control their retirement money and get off the wall street roller coaster.

He’s the Best-Selling Author of 12 books on personal finance, investment, and retirement planning. He hosts the Financial Underdogs podcast, has owned more than 50 companies, and is the founder of his own martial art, Yokido®.

Damion is the Chief Honey Badger at the eQRP Company and the lead architect of the eQRP® -- the Ferrari of 401(k)s®. The eQRP® is a unique and powerful system to put individuals in command of their own investments and breaking that money out of Wall Street Jail.

Damion is also a professional investor with decades of real-world experience that started with the purchase of his first rental using a VISA card advance -- a move that snowballed into 150 rental houses in less than 5 years. In 2008 he lost the whole $20 million business only to bounce back and recreate his wealth in 5 years.


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