Water Tech | BlueGreen Water Technologies | Cleaning red tides, algae blooms and toxic water bodies w CEO and Founder Edyal Harel

Published: July 15, 2022, 3:01 a.m.

b'Today CEO & Founder Adv. Edyal Harel and CMO Lucia Ross share with us how BlueGreen Water Technologies started, how they clean water bodies, and especially about their work in the US and Florida. \\n\\nBlueGreen Water Technologies is leading the charge in helping preserve and promote life on Earth by restoring, safeguarding and optimizing the health, safety of waterbodies worldwide \\u2013 including their wildlife and aquatic biodiversity, ecosystems and economies \\u2013 by pioneering and applying proven scientific ingenuity and deep tech solutions.\\n\\nGuest links: \\nBlueGreen Water Technologies \\nhttps://bgtechs.com/'