Taxes & Business | Transatlantic Taxation w Oliver Sureau CPA and Partner at JADE Fiducial & EACC Florida | Doing business in the US and EU & Taxes! - Differences, challenges, recent developments, COVID impact, FATCA, looking to the future

Published: Nov. 15, 2021, 1:22 p.m.

b'The accounting and tax landscape which multinational businesses must navigate is increasingly complex with on-going changes to legislation as well as greater scrutiny from authorities on compliance and enforcement. These developments have been exacerbated by the global Pandemic with new changes to accounting and tax in many jurisdictions. These include new legislative proposals here in the United States, in the EU, other European countries as well as at international level. For example, the UK government recently announced changes to employee National Insurance contributions to recoup some of the increased spending during the pandemic. And Sweden recently implemented the \\u2018economic employer\\u2019 concept leading to further registration and reporting responsibilities for some corporates and placing pressure on foreign organizations wishing to incorporate and operate in the jurisdiction, especially if they seek to use temporary foreign workers.\\n\\nQs:\\n\\nGuest Contact & links:\\nEuropean American Chamber of Commerce - Florida\\'