Startup | CBD Coffee with Alvaro Ortega Co-Founder of Jibby Coffee | Learn how they started, what inspired the entrepreneurial spirit, and how it all works

Published: Feb. 1, 2021, 5:30 a.m.

b'Have you ever felt bad when drinking too much coffee? I know you have experienced those jitters before. Well, we have a Miami startup looking to change that by blending the magic of CBD and coffee. Alvaro Ortega Co-Founder at Jibby Coffee, shares how his coffee is different, how it all started, and what you can expect from them in the near future. You can order from their website if you like to try! Please support us by subscribing to the show and signing up for our newsletter.\\n\\nSign up for our monthly newsletter:\\n\\nDirect contact with guest & Other Qs:\\n\\nGuest Contact & Links: \\nJibby Coffee\\n'