Education & Culture | Organization of the Development of the Italian Language & Societa Dante Alighieri of Miami with Magda Novelli & Claudio Pastor

Published: July 5, 2020, noon

b"Dr. Magda Novelli Coordinator of the Italian Program at Florida International University. She is also a board member of ODLI the Organization of the Development of the Italian Language and Culture. We also have Mr. Claudio Pastor Executive Director of the Societa\\u2019 Dante Alighieri of Miami and Consul of Italy in San Juan, Puerto Rico. We will get to know these two organizations and the contribution they make to Miami. \\n\\nContact info:\\nSign up for the monthly newsletter:\\n\\nDirect contact with guest & other Qs:\\n\\nGuest Information:\\nODLI -\\nSocieta' Dante Alighieri Miami -"