Message 81: Climate Choice

Published: March 10, 2022, 3 p.m.


Message Log 81, 03/10/2052 - JEWL 3-1-2


Dear 2022 Humans.


In the same way that the pandemic highlighted the reality of the global supply chain, the war with Russia is revealing how deep your dependency on fossil fuels goes.


However, there is a more devastating revolution on the way, one that will send extremism rippling throughout the world.


The truth about the enormous economic sacrifices required to save the planet will go viral. Fear of modern capitalism\'s demise will pit one side against those who are willing to give up all for the sake of the planet\'s ecosystems.


Extremists on both sides will launch a war on facts in order to win their debate about what will be dubbed "climate choice," in which they will argue over whether extreme measures are enforceable and whether the decision is an individual right.
