Message 156: Cognitive Reserve

Published: March 29, 2024, 2 p.m.


Message Log 156, 03/29/2054 - JEWL 3-1-2



Dear Transitioners,


In the decades to come, you will face unprecedented challenges - from the effects of climate change to the rapid advancements in technology that will transform every aspect of your lives. But amidst this turbulent transition, there is a path forward that can safeguard your most precious mental capacity.


The key lies in nurturing your creativity and embracing the very essence of what makes you human. By engaging in activities that stimulate your mind, you can build a cognitive reserve that will fortify you against the ravages of age and disease.


Immerse yourselves in the arts, explore new hobbies, and never stop learning. For it is through these pursuits that you will cultivate the resilience and adaptability needed to navigate the Great Transition.


The future is yours to shape, but it begins with the choices you make today. Heed this warning, and may your mental fortitude be your guiding light in the years to come.

