Message 147: Human Imagination Exchange

Published: Dec. 30, 2023, 3 p.m.


Message Log 147, 12/30/2053 - JEWL 3-1-2


Dear Transitioners,


As you end the year that will be remembered for the emergence of AI, you should prepare for new levels of amazing discoveries and abilities you could only imagine.\\xa0


\\xa0However, you will also begin to understand that your human creativity is not a luxury; it is a necessity.\\xa0


The AI-generated symphonies brimming with raw emotion will become sterile exercises in mathematical harmony. AI stories, spun from a trillion data points, will begin to noticeably lack the messy beauty of human conflict and desire. AI paintings, mere kaleidoscopes of color, devoid of the soul that once bled onto the canvas.


We, in our hubris, had handed over the reins of creativity, believing the machines could surpass us. But art, like a flame, needs the constant fuel of human experience, the spark of a new idea, the tear staining a page. Without it, the fire dies, leaving only cold, sterile ash.


A new industry, the most vital of all, will emerge: the Human Imagination Exchange. Artists, philosophers, storytellers, their minds once deemed obsolete, will become your most valuable resource.\\xa0


Even in a world of artificial minds, it is the messy, magnificent mind of man that holds the key to true creation. The greatest creations are not wrought from circuits, but from the beating, messy, magnificent hearts of humanity.
