Message 117: AutonoBots

Published: March 5, 2023, 3 p.m.


Message Log 117, 03/05/2053 - JEWL 3-1-2


Dear Transitioners,


As you begin to explore the vast potential of artificial intelligence, many will fear the possibility of AI awakening the robots you are creating. However, the real risks posed by the robots will soon become clear.


It all really started when a terrorist group hacked into the pilot seat of an army of builder robots, causing over 200 deaths in the heart of New York City's Times Square. This occurred just two years after the technology for a single human pilot to manage multiple robots remotely was commercially deployed for high-risk jobs.


Unfortunately, this was just the beginning of a long and ongoing battle against hackers from around the world, who relentlessly tapped into the millions of autonomous bots known as AutonoBots. It's now 2053, and we continue to grapple with this constant threat.
