Message 101: Tipping Points

Published: Sept. 26, 2022, 2:10 p.m.


Message Log 101, 09/26/2052 - JEWL 3-1-2


Dear 2022 humans,


You\'ve most likely heard the phrase "tipping point." It\'s been explained in climate warnings since the early 2000s, but it\'s always been suppressed by the fossil fuel industry and filthy politicians for their own gain.


Climate tipping points are conditions that exist when changes in one element of the climate system become self-perpetuating.


You are now seeing the truth all at once. Not only are the planet\'s ecosystems failing, but so, too, are your economies and democratic societies.


For us, all we could do once they began was watch as the dominoes started to fall. The planet got much hotter than expected in a much shorter time period.


The Amazon and great northern Boreal forests began to rapidly die off. The melting of the Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets accelerated. The frozen permafrost of Siberia, Alaska, northern Canada, and the Tibetan plateau reach their melting tipping points soon after.


And by 2045, the great Atlantic current began to slow. Now, it has all but stopped and the planet is getting even hotter.


The mass realization of our impending doom added to the chaos, driving cynicism and distrust, and strengthening the "fend for oneself" fascist movements that were already sweeping over the world.
