Merch Minds Podcast - Episode 089: The Catchup Episode

Published: July 17, 2018, 2:17 a.m.


Yong is back! He may sound like he\'s better but he\'s still coughing. The good thing is his fever is down and he\'s able to continue with the show.

This week Glen and Yong are catching up. Glen was out of town visiting his brother in Austin. Yong was in beautiful in Morro Bay on a workcation and to just get out of town to rest.

They are catching up with their lives and Merch by Amazon. Yong talks about his frustration with Merch. Although he\'s grateful for the opportunity he\'s finding that it\'s getting harder to scale as more people are being approved for Merch.

While he won\'t give up on Merch he discusses how he will focus more on how to drive traffic to his listings. Creating an affiliate website is one of the ways he\'s planning on driving traffic to his shirts. He also talks about how he will revamp his Etsy store since he has more control over it.

Yong also talks about a potential private label opportunity. He was given an opportunity to mass produce a skin oil by a guy who is retiring at the end of the year. This could be a gold mine as the only other competitor has a BSR of 300 on Amazon.

Merch Informer

