Merch Minds Podcast - Episode 076: Interview with Johnny King from Merch Lister Pro

Published: April 14, 2018, 3:49 a.m.


Are you guys using Merch Lister Pro? If so, this is going to be an exciting episode as the boy\'s interview, Johnny King, the creator of MLP. And if you\'re not using MLP, then you will after this episode.

If you follow the podcast, you know Yong had a difficult time filling up his slots because he\'s a one-man operation. However, Yong gives credit to Johnny and MLP as the primary reason why he was able to scale so fast from the 2k tier to the 4k tier in a matter of months. Yong spoke very highly of MLP and invited Johnny to be on the show.

Johnny talks about why he created MLP. He talks about how he\'s also a one-man operation and how the uploading process on Merch is tedious. He wanted to streamline the uploading process, and with that he created MLP.

MLP is no longer available for a one-time price. It is now available as a monthly subscription, but even then it is worth every penny at $9.97. It will speed up your uploading process and save you some serious time. If there is one tool you need for your Merch by Amazon business, then it\'s the Merch Lister Pro.

MLP isn\'t just a one-time buy it and forget it tool. Johnny continues to improve it, and the support is exceptional. If you ever have questions or concerns, Johnny is quick to respond. Check out MLP today!


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