Merch Minds Podcast - Episode 069: Glen AKA Hustler Hacks Merch Account Was Suspended!

Published: Feb. 26, 2018, 8:41 p.m.


Yes, you read the title correctly. Glen\'s Merch account was suspended. His account was actually suspended a month ago, and it was finally reinstated last week. While Glen was open to talking about it, he wanted to wait and see how it played out.

First off, we should all be grateful for Glen being transparent and sharing his experience with everyone. Not everyone would be open to talking about what their suspension. However, Glen not only talks about it but he was open to answering questions that were thrown his way.

So what happened? Glen received an email from Amazon asking questions about his IP address. There was a list about five to six questions. After Glen and Yong reviewed the questions, they concluded that the there was some issue with his IP address,

While they\'re not certain, that was the conclusion they came to. Maybe there was a trademark violation but Glen always careful about the type of his designs. So there is really no way to know for sure.

There is no way to be certain why Glen\'s account was suspended because Amazon is always vague in their emails. The one thing we can learn is that Amazon has full control of everyone\'s account. While the boys are grateful for the opportunity, they wish Amazon was more explicit about what mistakes were made so they can learn from it.


Merch Informer


