Episode 066: Interview with Michael Essany from Merch Momentum

Published: Feb. 4, 2018, 6:30 p.m.


Didn\'t Yong mention in a previous episode that he hasn\'t had a cold in over ten years? Well, he jinxed himself when he made that comment. He caught a cold, and he suffered big time. However, like Michael Jordan in the epic "flu game" Yong came and performed.

This week Michael Essany from Merch Momentum stops by to talk to Glen and Yong. Michael shares his journey into Merch, but he also discusses his new weekly Merch Momentum Monday Strategy Guide. Guys, this isn\'t your typical guide. Michael goes in-depth on his own best-selling niches, but he also shares niches you could have never even thought of.

Every week you get over 15-plus pages of Michael\'s insight of the Merch business. In fact, Yong is so certain that you will find value in the guide that he is doing something no one else dares. He is personally putting up his own ten dollars that you will find value in Michael Essany\'s strategy guide.

Within two weeks of your initial subscription if you don\'t find value in Michael\'s guide Yong will personally you the ten dollars out of his own pocket. After your refund, your subscription will be canceled. This really is worth the price so sign up today.

Merch Momentum Monday Strategy Guide




Merch Informer

