Eric Seropyan on Getting Your Small Business Ranked Higher in Google

Published: Aug. 2, 2021, 10 a.m.


SEO and SEM expert Eric Seropyan is the founder of This Is My South Bay. Eric\\u2019s expertise is unique in that he specializes in international hyperlocal SEO helping founders, entrepreneurs, business leaders, and small business owners make sense of searchability and marketing on the web.

Join us this week as we get a masterclass in SEO from Eric, as well as actionable steps you can take to improve your business's rankings in Google.\\xa0

You can also check out his website. Social media includes Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn.

30s - Eric\\u2019s introduction\\xa0
1:00 - What is This is my Southbay and what do you do there
2:20 - What is SEO
9:30 - What is search engine marketing and how does it differ from\\xa0 SEO
17:00 - How to determine what keywords to target\\xa0
22:00 - Tracking keywords from competitors\\xa0
23:45 - What did it look like getting your business going?
26:00 - Evaluating change in the industry\\xa0
33:45 - What does it mean when someone means \\u201cthe algorithm changed\\u201d
37:00 - Importance of reviews\\xa0
40:30 - What can a business owner do today to rank better in search engines\\xa0
50:00 - What eric is passionate about\\xa0
52:45 - Final thoughts\\xa0
