914: 2-Hour Cocktail Party: Socialize, Network, and Build Your Circle Of Friends Using A Step-By-Step Checklist with Nick Gray

Published: March 3, 2023, 9:02 a.m.

b"One of the greatest treasures somebody can have is a good friend. A friend is someone who, albeit initially a stranger, ends up playing a significant role in our lives. Pure friendship is enjoying someone without expecting anything in return, much like true love. However, as time passes by, it gets increasingly difficult to find these so-called friends. Other than the obvious, adults usually don\\u2019t have any more time to spend finding good friends anymore unlike when they were children. Nick Gray offers a solution for anyone having the same difficulties. It\\u2019s never too late to find friendship.\\n\\n\\n\\nNick Gray hails from Austin, Texas. Nick is an entrepreneur and the founder of the successful businesses Flight Display Systems and Museum Hack, both of which he ultimately sold. He is also a best-selling author, and his book The 2-Hour Cocktail Party: How to Build Big Relationships with Small Gatherings teaches you how to do the same by simply hosting a small gathering. In this episode, Nick talks about helping people who are having difficulties making new friends as an adult, solving the loneliness epidemic, the purposes and benefits of holding a party and making new friends, and the NICK Party Formula.\\n\\n\\n\\nResources\\n\\n\\n\\n\\nNick Gray (official site)\\n\\n\\n\\nNick Gray on Facebook\\n\\n\\n\\nNick Gray on Twitter\\n\\n\\n\\nNick Gray on YouTube\\n\\n\\n\\nNick Gray on LinkedIn\\n\\n\\n\\nEmail: hello@nickgray.net\\n\\n\\n\\nHow to Host a Housewarming Party\\n\\n\\n\\nIcebreaker Card Games: Review of 5 Different Decks\\n\\n\\n\\nPartiful Event Platform: Review and Comparison (2023)\\n\\n\\n\\nHow to Host a Happy Hour Party: Best Guide for 2022\\n\\n\\n\\nHow to Host a Baby Shower: Tips, Tricks, Checklist\\n\\n\\n\\nHow to Host a Digital Nomad Happy Hour\\n\\n\\n\\nHow To Host A Dinner Party\\n\\n\\n\\nThe 2-Hour Cocktail Party: Amazon\\n\\n\\n\\nNick Gray's personal website"