827: Website Rental Coaching: Build a Predictable Passive Income Using Small Business Lead Generation and Search Engine Optimization Traffic with Luke Van Der Veer

Published: Dec. 14, 2021, 9:15 a.m.

b'Have you heard about website renting? It\\u2019s something that not many digital influencers touched upon. Most people would talk about \\u201cowning\\u201d your website, improving that website for traffic, and then finding ways to convert these leads. But what if your goal is not for your own personal use, as a means of passive income? Find out more as Luke dives into the importance of website ranking, SEO, and how you can \\u201cown\\u201d a website but rent it for those who need it!\\n\\n\\n\\nResources\\n\\n\\n\\n\\nWebsite Rental Coaching.com (Official Website) \\n\\n\\n\\nLuke Van Der Veer on LinkedIn'