710: Website Redesign & Rebranding: Build Trust Using Hero’s Journey Self-Transformation and Change the World with Chris Yoko

Published: May 26, 2020, 7:54 a.m.

Chris Yoko is the founder of Yokoco, a company that provides full-service web presence management to companies and organizations we consider heroic.   Things you will learn in this episode: What is Yoko Co? Using the Joseph Campbell's Hero Journey Roadmap? What is the first big step in the Hero Journey concept? How does Yoko Co help organizations? What are the common problems that the organizations are experiencing on their website? How do you decide on what steps to take in helping a business improve their website and web presence? How long does the process start to take effect? Do you have a specific company that stands out in terms results after working with them? Do you recommend for businesses to embody a purpose beyond profit?     > What is Joseph Campbell's Hero Journey Roadmap and how do you relate it to websites? - it is patterned from Joseph Campbell's The Hero with a Thousand Faces literary piece about the journey of a hero in world myths. Yoko Co applies this  concept to the journey of their clients as they work to leverage their web presence.   > What is the first big step in the Hero Journey concept? - Self-Transformation. You start within you. Changing the way you project who you are to the world will change the way people behave towards you. It leads to a greater impact and creates a ripple effect across the world.   > How does Yoko Co help organizations? What makes them stand out among others? - Yoko Co helps organizations increase the effect that they have with the customers, clients, patients through improving their website presence. Through word of mouth and referrals from the clients that they have worked with, Yoko Co remains to deliver great results and helped a lot of businesses across the world.   > What are the common problems that the organizations are experiencing on their website? - not getting steady influx of communication or interaction on our websites that it used to have before. It may be from leads, interested parties for partnerships etc. That is the biggest factor to consider as opportunity of a breakthrough to rebrand or rename your website.   > How do you decide on what steps to take in helping a business improve their website and web presence? Applying the best practices we have to get things started and do the tracking across the whole business - For most of the Yoko Co clients, they start with a Full Funnel Report that answers questions like: What are social, search impressions, and views of the website look like? Are they translated into traffic or do they visit the website?  Do these people (traffic) engage in the website? Does the traffic convert in any level? How do these traffic convert into sales qualified leads?  How did they go through the sales process? What did the people purchase, or depending on the classification of a clienthow did they become members or engaged partners?   >How long does the process start to take effect? There is no specific timeline. It varies from one organization to another. There should be enough improvement on traffic and relevant data and interaction to consider a significant level of change.    > Do you have a specific company that stands out in terms of results after working with them? - Yoko Co aims to work exclusively with organizations that have a passion or purpose beyond just profit. Recent favorite is Andes Amazon Fund. It conserves the biodiversity, ecosystems, and environmental health of the Andes and Amazon.   > Do you recommend for businesses to embody a purpose beyond profit?   Yes. There's a big difference between organizations authentically concerned, and wanting to create a big impact in the world and organizations who just do it for marketing. We have worked with organizations who aspire to make some change but don't know exactly know what that is in relation to their mission.