709: Time Control: Perspective, Patience, Mindset and Belief with Sasha Laghonh

Published: May 25, 2020, 5:52 p.m.

Sasha Laghonh of sashatalks.com is here to tell you about entrepreneurial Tips for people starting up a business and dealing your life journey.   1) Make sure that you plan your business and your project.  - You need to decide who are decision makers in the business that you are running. Remember that it is YOUR BUSINESS that you are running and it is you who invested on resources to make your plans come to life. You don't need too many people as decision makers in the business. As the owner of the business, make sure to take lead the team and be the decision maker.   2) NEEDS Vs WANTS  You need to be able to distinguish needs from wants. Know the difference among needs, resources and wants. Don't pattern your business based on what you see on other people's businesses, trying to keep up with the trends, or just being fancy. Make sure whatever you invest on is something that is useful and purposeful in your business and in that way you will stand out among other businesses.   3) YOUR TIME IS PRECIOUS - Be mindful of your time that includes deciding who you spend your time with, what you are doing with your time, where you invest your time in. Always consider your priorities for the week or month and set out goals. Be careful who seek you for in terms of guidance and information because they could either make or break you. Do not go into the habit of pleasing everybody because in reality you can never please everyone. "Say no more than yes"   4) GOOD RESULTS TAKE TIME - Focus and stay committed to your goal. Your strategies and goals should be long term but ensure that you remain the attitude of being flexible in your mindset and decision making process. It is important that you accept that you can't control everything. But remember you are accountable for your own business so you can control the decisions you make with regards to the people that you bring in and engage with and the clients that you entertain. Always be open to learning, be coachable and open to new ideas. Otherwise, you're not gonna last long. 5) RESEARCH - Take enough time to do your research and digest it. Do not rush on your decisions. Read, talk to people who have done something similar, go to consultations and seminars. Process and digest all the information you have and decide whether to apply, discard, or save them for later.   6) BET ON YOURSELF - Believe on yourself that you can do it. Initially, do not think so much of the competition but focus more on the opportunities that you could work with to make your business grow. Have a right business mindset but most importantly set your BELIEFS. All your business decisions should be anchored to your BELIEFS. In that way, you will be able to sustain your identity or your own business. Rely on yourself the most because the only person who's going to help you is YOU. You don't need the validation of other people.   7) REMOVE THE NOISES - Remove people who are taking away your opportunity for your full potential to come full circle. Most of the time they are just noises who dictate your life with their "advices and tips" but in reality they are just distractions to a greater mission. But you also have to maintain the balance and keep those people who really matter in your life. Do not compromise your relationship with your friends and family who have been there with you from the very beginning. These people who truly care about you only want to see you succeed. Do not forget where you came from and how you got there.   8) DON'T TAKE THINGS FOR GRANTED - Do not be complacent and settle for anything less. You should always strive harder to be better than your best. Your mindset should be- You're only as good as your last big sale or you're only as good as your last successful project. Your biggest competition is yourself. Another point, do not compromise and lose important relationships. Nurture your relationships with people especially ...