703: Speak to Your Emotions to Make a Social Connection: Empathy, Understanding, and Curiosity with Laura Long

Published: April 23, 2020, 7:57 a.m.

b"Optimizing Marketing Practice with a Heart Connection.\\n\\n \\t- It's usually in the TV Shows.\\n \\t- Good example is a heartfelt story and then connecting the performers.\\n \\t- As a marketer,we go for our emotional reactions before we take an actions, which is one of the biggest turn offs, when the seller tries to rush the experience.\\n \\t- another turn offs, talking the wants and needs of the audience and if it's not related we jump out very quick.\\n \\t- Rich Lipton says Most people don't want to know how you do it better how you do what you do\\xa0they wanna know why you do what you do.\\n \\t-Customers know their basic needs. meet their primal needs.\\n \\t\\xa0- Heart is the keeper of our emotions. Filtering our hearts to get what we want, its physical neurologic aspect.\\n \\t- If we'll put voice to the filter,it will say give me a social connection, speak to my emotions\\n \\t- So it's part of our physiology, its saves mental and energy and gets straight to the heart matter\\n\\nWHAT'S MOST IMPORTANT TO THE PEOPLE YOU WANT TO ENGAGE WITH? DO YOU KNOW HOW THE CLIENT FEELS?\\n\\nAnswer: Slow Down. Don't Rush. We want the experience.\\n\\nHOW DO YOU GET IN TOUCH WITH YOUR HEART SO YOU CAN DELIVER THE\\xa0OFFERINGS\\n\\nAnswer: \\n\\na. Science based approach with an organization called Heart Math Institute.\\xa0It has congruent communication to heart to the brain. There are some videos and effective exercises.\\n\\nb. Simply breathing in and out your heart center. It comes to the so you can ask simple questions. The breathe is the root.\\n\\nThese are the types of practices for the clients. It's profound and durable. If you know to explore bridge a gap in your life, relationships and business. It's very simple, have a complimentary conversation with Laura so you can\\xa0 explore curiosity of what's next by reaching the website: Lauralong.pro"