633: Maximize Customer Lifetime Value: Content Marketing, Automation, Mobile, Social Media and E-Commerce with Your Marketing Superhero Jeffrey Traister

Published: April 27, 2019, 2:22 a.m.

Jeff Traister, Your Marketing Superhero, provides digital direct response marketing services, strategy, persuasive copywriting, marketing automation consulting, social media marketing management, WordPress web design and content plus video post-production to companies & industries worldwide. Five Trends with Digital Marketing content marketing: nurturing leads and prospects into customers marketing automation: conversion, retention, CRM's, e-commerce mobile marketing: landing pages, texting social media marketing: interacting with leads to start selling e-commerce: B2B & manufacturers Types of Digital Marketing Campaigns lead generation (opt-in, free report) sales conversion (persuade with a sales letter) trust building (whitepaper, success stories) retention campaign (get established clients to buy more) upsells and downsells (cart abandonment, lesser-quantity offers) Jeff Traister develops direct response marketing strategies for start-up ventures, new product launches and market share expansion. These strategies involve digital media, automation and ecommerce. Resources Your Marketing Superhero (free report) Text "firstname lastname email" to phone number: 561-277-3363 Jeff Traister on LinkedIn