619: Ace the Game of Viral Content, Attention Getting, and Traffic with Vin Clancy

Published: Dec. 5, 2018, 9 a.m.

Infamous growth hacker Vin Clancy's went from being on social welfare in the UK to launching 2 online magazines that got over 20 million page views in their first two years with zero adspend. He's since then won best speaker at SXSW V2V for his growth hacking talk, finished a 100-date world tour, made six figures on his debut growth hacking book, created one of the biggest marketing communities on Facebook, and moved to L.A., where he teaches companies how to rapidly grow their audiences and businesses. Resources Vin Clancy (official site) Ace the Game (book) Vin Clancy on LinkedIn Vin Clancy on Twitter Traffic and Copy Facebook Group LinkedHelper (connect with LinkedIn users) ReBump (email followup sales tool)