542: Attract, Convert, Nurture: Free Plus Shipping Offers, Value Ladders and Online Sales Funnels with Kev Charlie

Published: May 14, 2018, 8 a.m.

b'Kev Charlie is the founder of the Addicted to Marketing Podcast and Create Rockstar Blogs. He helps online entrepreneurs and bloggers create and market their business to make an impact and an income doing the things they love!\\nKev left a successful elevator business to travel the world and try everything he could. He was part of the hustle game but overcame the 24/7 hardcore hustle mindset and realized that life is about family; he learned that his time was worth more than money. Kev believes that once you hit 7 figures, you begin to figure out how to automate everything and install autopilots that will help you achieve the dream of exceptional passive income. He wants to share his message that you don\\u2019t need to hustle to make 6 figures or even get to 7 figures. Life is about more than just working and Kev wants to mold entrepreneurs that make more and work less so they can leave a family first legacy.\\nResources\\n\\nKev Charlie (Official Site)\\nStart a Profitable Blog (Free E-book)\\nAddicted to Marketing (Podcast)\\nMarketing Addicts: 6 Figures and Beyond (Facebook Group)\\nKev Charlie (Facebook)'