Where Are You From? (Worship at the Well - August 2018)

Published: Aug. 19, 2018, 10 a.m.

Exodus 40 It’s move-in weekend for UNC! As Chapel Hill and our own church welcome new students for the school year, one of the most common questions on our lips is this: “Where are you from?” And this week, we make our annual return to where Love Chapel Hill answers that question. We’re back in front of the Old Well on UNC’s campus. That’s our identity and our home. Chapel Hill is in our DNA. We close our summer-long series on Exodus today with the book’s final passage. Until this point, the Israelite people couldn’t answer the question of where they come from. They were former slaves of a foreign power and refugees in the desert. Here is where God does the unthinkable; The creator of the universe fashions a dwelling place among the people! A portable manifestation of God’s holiness that follows them wherever they go. Home is where the Lord dwells, and for the Israelites that can be anywhere.