Ancestor Worship AVee Baron 10-4-17 8 pm EDT

Published: Oct. 5, 2017, midnight

Please join Tchipakkan and her guest AVee Baron on the New Normal 8 pm Wednesday, October 4, 2017, 8-9 p.m. edt. We’ll be talking about Ancestors. Most cultures have some version of ancestor veneration, where the spirits of their beloved dead aid them in their lives. Even modern folk sometimes feel in touch with our relatives. Mediums and Spiritualists assure us that they watch over us and tweak reality to help us as they can. As with most forms of mind-to-mind (soul-to-soul) contact, frequent interaction makes it easier to communicate. Rituals, offerings, keeping an altar all help, and this time of year (approaching Samhain/Halloween) is one where many feel closest to their ancestors. This year at the Changing Times-Changing Worlds conference, my guest AVee Baron will be running an Ancestor Ritual (as well as teaching Cartomancy).  AVee is a pagan who has practiced new age, Buddhism, Wicca and Witchcraft. She’s a Reverend in the Correllian Tradition, speaks and teache on many subjects, and owns Witchy Spellz N Wares occult online shop in Connecticut. She also has several other pages and web sites for different purposes.