Single Series - Yes, I'm Single. And?! - Part I

Published: March 10, 2024, 9 p.m.


Have you been asked, \\u201cWhen are you getting married?\\u201d or \\u201cWhy are you still single?\\u201d during those family gatherings, or by a co-worker, family, or friend.\\xa0

Well come join us for this long overdue conversation. Our first guest speaker will be coming back for a second time! Ms. Faith will discuss some of the MYTHS about being single.\\xa0

This podcast series will:

\\u2022Help women view singleness differently & in a more positive way\\xa0
\\u2022Debunk the myths about singleness in 2024
\\u2022Uncover what God is saying to Single women\\xa0
\\u2022Educate women on the qualities to look for in a Kingdom Husband
