Life After Hurt - Words To Identify Your Healing Language

Published: March 17, 2023, 11 a.m.


What if I told you that your words are another tool to use in order to heal? Did you know that your words and what you speak have the power to make you whole or keep you broken?

At the beginning stages of my healing journey, I used words that were destructive, stagnant, and harmful to my healing process. It wasn't until I began going to therapy that I began to change my healing language and how I spoke to myself.\\xa0

Since then, I began to incorporate healing language into my daily life. When I did, I became stronger, wiser, and healthier.\\xa0

Tune into today's episode to learn about some of the words I used to become emotionally whole and healed.\\xa0

#lifeafterhurt #healinglanguage\\xa0
