Episode 143: "It was just flesh eating bananas"

Published: Oct. 25, 2023, 1:59 p.m.


\\nHappy Spooky Wednesday and HAPPY HALLOWEEN, EVERYONE! It is our last week of Urban Legends October for 2023 and we are excited to bring you some truly classic urban legends this week! First up, Kala talks about the various types of Freaky Food stories we\\u2019ve been telling one another for decades. Tales of flesh-eating bananas, mutant chickens, and poisoned candy have been plaguing us for decades. Is there any truth behind these rumors, or have we been swallowing bullsh*t? And Brittany tells us all about Black Cats and how they became a symbol of Halloween. These beautiful animals have a long history of magic, some of it is good and some of it is bad. No matter what they say, we just know we love them. We finish up with a listener story of a pharmacy phantom. Cuddle up for our tales this week, and try not to get too scared\\u2026 after all, it\\u2019s just a bunch of hocus pocus.\\xa0\\n\\n\\nFor more information about the Duluth Haunted Ship, visit their website: duluthhauntedship.com\\n\\n\\n\\n
