Episode 128: "Fine. No one's an abomination..."

Published: July 12, 2023, 5:01 a.m.

b'Happy Spooky Wednesday, our loves! This week we\\u2019ve got a classic haunting and a cursed soul for your enjoyment. Kala talks about Casa Loma in Toronto, Ontario. This mansion/castle was built in the early 1900s. The only tragedy that seems to have befallen this place is that it\\u2019s original owners couldn\\u2019t afford the upkeep, but that hasn\\u2019t prevented the place from being haunted. A woman in white, a handsy man in the tunnels, and a tape-stealing lady of the house are just some of the ghosts you may encounter here. And Brittany tells us the tale of Robert Johnson. He was a blues singer/songwriter who\\u2026 well\\u2026 sucked. Until he didn\\u2019t. He became an inspiration for many with his music, but where did this skill come from? Was it practice? Or was it a deal with the devil? We may never know.'