Fixing the Planet - The Biodiversity Imperative - Interview with Associate Professor Judith Fisher

Published: Oct. 23, 2023, 1:25 p.m.


  • Judith Fisher
    Director Fisher Research Pty Ltd Biodiversity Business Advisor Change Influencer Communication Strategist IPBES Multidiscip. Expert Panel
  • \'We Need to Fix the Planet\'
  • Leigh and Judith had a conversation about Judith\'s background and her expertise in biodiversity and invasive species. They also discussed the importance of maintaining natural biodiversity and the impact of indigenous culture on caring for the environment.
  • Judith and Leigh discussed the importance of incorporating Indigenous knowledge into global biodiversity efforts. They highlighted the need for Indigenous peoples to lead the conversation and provided examples of projects where Indigenous communities were involved in research and decision-making processes.
  • Leigh and Judith discussed the importance of working together to address climate change and biodiversity loss. They emphasized that tackling these issues in isolation will lead to negative consequences for the economy and the environment, and highlighted the need for businesses to incorporate best practices and engage with indigenous communities.
  • Leigh and Judith discussed the importance of changing criteria and conditions in the commercial ecosystem to drive positive change and find higher quality solutions for global challenges. They were motivated by the belief that fixing the planet and working with talented individuals from around the world could lead to a better future.
  • Judith and Leigh discussed the need for change in Western Australia to address environmental issues and the resistance they faced from those who were comfortable with the status quo. They emphasized the importance of mobilizing forces and changing the way businesses operate to make a positive impact on the planet.
  • Judith discussed the rapid global movement towards incorporating nature-positive thinking in business, with governments, investors, and businesses signing up to meet targets for biodiversity. Leigh expressed enthusiasm for this interconnected approach and asked Judith about her reading habits, to which Judith explained that she keeps up with the latest global developments and scientific knowledge through various sources, including LinkedIn.
  • Leigh and Judith discussed the importance of creating a consensus view where everyone benefits, rather than a win-lose situation. They also talked about the need to fix the planet and the role of indigenous people in caring for the environment for future generations.

Judith\\u2019s Profile



