The WEBBYs Out Loud + Pesante Picks: Dungeons And Dragons

Published: April 19, 2023, 9:39 p.m.

b'This episode is supported by Topo Chico Hard SeltzerVisit today!\\nOn this episode of LOL, Ramon Pesante and Rachel La Loca celebrate the podcast\\u2019s second WEBBY Award nomination in the Best Comedy Podcast category! LOL-eros/as/X/e, gracias for getting us here!\\xa0 Please vote for us by 4/20 Midnight (PST) Click here:\\xa0\\nOn this ep, we R+R also chat about the screening of Dungeons And Dragons they both attended. From the in-movie whispers, to the Bradley Cooper surprise, you don\\u2019t want to miss this convo.\\xa0 How many Yankee fitteds do you think Pesante gave the film???'