S3E20.5: The Wonder [PREVIEW]

Published: June 6, 2024, 11:23 p.m.

b"This week, we once again enter the November Zone as we watch Sebasti\\xe1n Lelio's The Wonder. A movie about an english nurse tasked with observing a young irish girl who has survived without food for four months, but more than that, a movie about stories.\\n-----\\nFREE PALESTINE\\nHey, Devon here. Give money to people crowdfunding for passage out of Rafah first and foremost. While the crossing might be closed, the situation is changing by the day and being able to afford passage out when the crossing reopens is an immense comfort. then purchase ESIMs, then donate to this link if you feel you need a big name attached to the fund to trust it.Please don't only donate money. You have to do other things now.\\nhttps://www.map.org.uk/donate/donate\\n-----\\nConsider supporting us on our reasonably-priced patreon!https://www.patreon.com/killjamesbond\\n------\\n*WEB DESIGN ALERT*\\nTom Allen is a friend of the show (and the designer behind our website). If you need web design help, reach out to him here: \\xa0https://www.tomallen.media/\\nKill James Bond is hosted by Alice Caldwell-Kelly, Abigail Thorn, and Devon. You can find us at\\xa0https://killjamesbond.com"