S3E10.5: Zardoz [PREVIEW]

Published: Jan. 11, 2024, 11:27 a.m.

b"This is a preview of a bonus episode! find the rest at our reasonably-priced patreon!https://www.patreon.com/killjamesbond------\\nJohn Boorman directed the movie Deliverance. Because of this, he was given access to 1.5 Million Quid and told to just fuckin make another movie. This is what he created... Zardoz.\\nYeah thats right, youve gotta pay us for it. The patrons got basically nothing in December so they get this one exclusive. Don't look so hard-done-by, some podcast listeners are starving for a single upload, yknow.\\n------\\nFREE PALESTINE\\npalestineaction.org/donatehttps://www.map.org.uk/donate/donate\\n-----\\nConsider supporting us on our reasonably-priced patreon!https://www.patreon.com/killjamesbond\\n------\\n*WEB DESIGN ALERT*\\xa0\\nTom Allen is a friend of the show (and the designer behind our website). If you need web design help, reach out to him here: \\xa0https://www.tomallen.media/\\n\\xa0\\nKill James Bond is hosted by Alice Caldwell-Kelly, Abigail Thorn, and Devon. You can find us at https://killjamesbond.com"