Kidnapped: It's becoming more of an occurrence. Why? What can you do?

Published: Dec. 19, 2019, 12:51 p.m.

b'A parent\'s worst nightmare is to learn their child has been kidnapped and is being held for ransom. The Cincinnati area has had a number of families recently targeted with such threats. After paying a ransom, the family learns their child was never in danger. Brad discusses how the "virtual kidnappers" target your family and what to do if you receive one of these frightening calls. He\'ll also discuss how you can tell that the kidnapping is fake like attempting to prevent you from calling the victim, requesting a wire transfer and other indicators and what to say to the "kidnappers" like your child\'s "secret code" if they are in trouble (which you and your child have discussed in advance). By staying calm, stalling the caller, contacting your child and the police, the situation can be resolved and possibly assist in the arrest of the perpetrator (who has no doubt done this many times before). ABC News Crime & Terrorism Analyst Brad Garrett joins Tony to discuss.'