What\u2019s your ailment? Feeling old and tired? Do you have a bum knee or sciatica shooting pain down your leg? Whatever your ailment\u2014rheumatism, toothache, sore throat, from itchy insect bites to ingrown toenail to ideopathic pulmonary fibrosis, Mister Mungo\u2019s Fanciful Elixir Cures All. You\u2019ll grow to depend on it, but it\u2019s so reasonaly priced, you\u2019ll be back for more and more. Ah\u2026but have you ever wondered where your favorite snake oil comes from? And what will happen when it runs out?
Glenn Dungan is currently based in Brooklyn, NYC. He exists within a Venn-diagram of urban design, sociology, and good stories. When not obsessing about one of those three, he can be found at a park drinking black coffee and listening to podcasts about murder.\xa0 For more of his work, see his website:\xa0whereisglennnow.com\xa0or following his on Instagram: whereisglennnow.
You can read "Mr. Mongo's Fanciful Elixir" at https://www.whiteenso.com/ghost-stories-2022
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