Jack Sensei by LP Ring

Published: Nov. 30, 2022, 7:18 a.m.

b'The term \'sensei\' is an honorific title bestowed on teachers and experts, and there is a certain amount of clout that comes with the title. In "Jack Sensei"the title refers to an artist who made his name in Japan painting portraits of beautiful women. How can that possibly go wrong?

L.P. Ring is the author of four Seoul-based crime novels and a neo-noir thriller which are all available on Amazon and other platforms. He\'s had work published with lifestyle magazines in Japan and South Korea and crime fiction published with the UK-based Close To The Bone. He currently lives in Japan with his wife and a cat who\\u2019s always around at mealtimes.
twitter: @l_p_ring

You can read "Jack Sensei" at https://www.kaidankaistories.com.

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