Ep. 230: They All Drown by You Lin

Published: Dec. 13, 2023, 10:24 a.m.

b'November 24 to December 24:
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This week\'s story: A woman\\u2014strong, independent, driven\\u2014suffers an indignity that many women fear, and have experienced. As a ghost, will she be able to have her revenge? And will it satisfy her?

You Lin is a writer whose pieces explore darker themes consistent with the fragments of her identity. Her work has been published by Archer Magazine, The Bitchin\' Kitsch, A Coup of Owls, and The Minison Project\'s Pop-Up Pride Issue, among others. Locally, you can find her work at Malaysian Indie Fiction, Queer Southeast Asia: A Literary Journal of Transgressive Art, and NutMag Volume 7: Inheritance. When she\'s not writing self-deprecating poetry and fiction, you can find her questioning the purpose of her existence, overworking as usual, and losing faith in humanity.

You can read "They All Drown" at https://www.kaidankaistories.com.

Website: kaidankaistories.com

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