Ep. 220: Farm-raised by Ian Salavon

Published: Oct. 11, 2023, 10:40 a.m.

b'Farming is tough these days, and it is hard to make a good living. But imagine how your life of drudgery could change if you caught a mermaid? One farmer has big plans to sell the mermaid he found, but his young son has other ideas.

Ian Salavon is a professional chef by trade and a lover of speculative fiction in every flavor. When he is not writing, he spends his time at the Fort Worth Judo Club where he is a black belt and coach. His work is mainly featured in long road trips and family bedtime stories.

You can read "Farm-Raised" at https://www.kaidankaistories.com.

Website: kaidankaistories.com

Mermaid photo by Nsey Benajah on Unsplash

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