Day 55: The Fireman's Wife by Margaret Pearce

Published: Sept. 24, 2021, 7:33 a.m.

b'A local story where a ghost with amorous interest in the man of the house drives a wedge in a marriage. Can the wife get the upper hand?

Margaret Pearce was I \\xa0was a sickly child and an omnivorous reader which made for a harmonious and pleasant substitute for most of the schools she was supposed to attend. Her love of fantasy started at seven years of age when all magazines with lurid covers kept getting snatched away.
She took to writing instead of drink when raising children, who were embarrassed when she became a published author. She completed an Arts Degree at Monash University as a mature age student, and has published children\'s and teenage novels in print and ebooks as listed on Amazon, Book Depository, Kindle,\\xa0
Her last book, NOT MENTIONING ANY NAMES, was published by Ginninderra Press.She can be found on the internet as margaretpearce .

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