In Bhoot Bangla, by Snigdha Agrawal, a family moves into a new home. One child hears mysterious music, but has to convince her parents she isn't imagining things.
Snigdha Agrawal is Bengali born and resides in Bangalore, India.\xa0 She is extensively published and writes in all genres of poetry, prose, short stories, travelogues and hotel/restaurant reviews.\xa0 Raised and educated in a cosmopolitan environment, with exposure to Eastern and Western cultures, her writing reflects a balanced outlook on life. Her family and extended family live in the USA.\xa0 Educated in Loreto Convents (B.A. Honours, MBA in marketing) she has over two decades of Corporate experience.
Bhoot Bangla is read by Debjani Ray, who has resided in Japan for nearly 30 years, first as a student, then as a teacher. She teaches at universities in Kanto. She has been a literature student and loves to read and write. She later studied Education. Her primary research interest is language education-related field in Japanese context. She is presently interested in social education and focused on women's empowerment issues.
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