Day 29: The First and Last by Cathy MacKenzie

Published: Aug. 29, 2021, 7:06 a.m.

b'In her horror tale, The First and Last, Cathy MacKenzie twists us around time and again so we don\'t know if the character is coming or going. If you aren\'t already afraid of clowns or the dark, you will be.

Cathy MacKenzie lives in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada. Her writings can be found in numerous print and online publications. She has also published several short story collections, books of poetry, and children\\u2019s picture books. She writes all genres but invariably veers toward the dark\\u2014so much so that her late mother once asked her, \\u201cCan\\u2019t you write anything happy?\\u201d She published her first novel, Wolves Don\\u2019t Knock, in 2018, and Mister Wolfe (the darkly dark second in the series) in 2020. My Brother, the Wolf, the final volume, will be available in 2022/2023. (This is a standalone series.) \\xa0Cathy also edits, formats, and publishes other authors\' writings. Contact her at:\\

The First and Last is read by Ghiselle Camacho, a wannabe Renaissance woman who diddles with anything her muses collide into. She is an actor, writer, poet, gardener, chef, photographer and visual artist. She\'s a third-culture Filipino-Canadian living in Japan with her Canadian husband and Japan-born Canadian children.

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