Day 26: The Hunter's Wife by Andi Brooks

Published: Aug. 26, 2021, 8:43 a.m.

In The Hunter's Wife, by Andi Brooks, a man falls in love with a woman and creates a long and loving life with her. But can we ever truly know the people in our lives?

A Tokyo resident since 2006, Anglo-Irish writer Andi Brooks is co-author of the critically acclaimed biography Vampire Over London: Bela Lugosi in Britain, curator of The Bela Lugosi Blog and a recipient of a Rondo Hatton Classic Horror Award for his article on the love affair between Bela Lugosi and Clara Bow, Dracula and the It Girl.
Since moving to Japan, he has become immersed in the world of y\u016brei and y\u014dkai. His collection of original Japanese Ghost stories, Ghostly Tales of Japan, was published in 2020. He is currently writing a second volume of ghostly Japanese tales.
Ghostly Tales of Japan: Amazon:
Vampire Over London: Bela Lugosi in Britain:
Bela Lugosi Blog:

"Ghiselle is a wannabe Renaissance woman and diddles with anything her muses collide into. She is an actor, writer, poet, gardener, chef, photographer and visual artist. She's a third-culture Filipino-Canadian living in Japan with her Canadian husband and Japan-born Canadian children."

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