A Quintana dos Mortos in Love by Rosemary Thorne

Published: Aug. 30, 2023, 1:01 p.m.

b'A few years ago, on the last blue moon, on a square in Santiago, a man fell madly in love. But, what does the blue moon have to do with his amour? And will it affect his future?

Rosemary Thorne is a Spanish bilingual writer living in Madrid, Spain, who has spent her entire life producing fiction in her mother tongue, with not much local professional encouragement. That\\u2019s why in 2019 she became a HWA member and began to think Horror in English terms. It\\u2019s worth mentioning that she was born in 1968, year of shocking revolutions, beautiful women and great red wine, and that\\u2019s why she doesn\\u2019t give up: she has published her first novel in Spain in December 2021, and her goal for 2022 is to have it translated into several languages and to populate the world with her monsters. Find out more about her: https://linktr.ee/Rosemary_thorne

To learn more about blue moons, visit The Royal Museums Greenwich.

You can read "A Quintana dos Mortos in Love" at https://www.kaidankaistories.com.

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