2nd place contest winner: Backdoor to Paradise Jason Sabbagh

Published: Aug. 16, 2023, 10:43 a.m.

b'If there was a guaranteed way to get to paradise, would anyone and everyone have access? Even those who spent their time on earth unconcerned with the welfare of others? Whose exploits harmed other people so they could amass more fortunes? Is it possible that the afterworld is just as unfair as this world?

Jason Sabbagh lives in New England with his wife and two children. He loves writing fiction, and is currently seeking representation for his debut novel. Is this little aspiring-author-bio actually a shameless plea? Yes it is. Also, if you dig this story, he\\u2019s got piles more collecting digital dust on his hard drive.

You can read "Backdoor to Paradise" at https://www.kaidankaistories.com.

Website: kaidankaistories.com

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