Episode 1027: Just Joshing Episode 1027: Edward Davis

Published: Dec. 13, 2023, 9:10 a.m.

#EdwardDavis #Comics #Podcasts

Edward Davis is back, and he's here to talk about his series the Corruptor. We talk about creating a new comic book property, we talk about shared universes and what makes them so complex, and we touch on how this series ties into Immortal Era. Check this out.

Edward Davis

Finish Line Comics


The Corruptor - A hitman gets more than he bargained for after he dies. He is recruited on the side of evil to corrupt the souls he can, all the while the two sides are in eternal conflict. Set in the world of The Immortal Era, Edward Davis writes about the conflict of souls and where they go before death is taken away. Click on the link to support the kickstarter.


My Course on Podcasting - I have launched a podcasting course. Perfect for those seeking to build their platform, and if you're struggling with putting a show together or having the confidence to speak in front a camera, this course is for you.

Kickstarter Services - Looking to reach your pledges in creative videos that inform and entertain your audience? I'm launching creating videos specific to your campaign and your platform.\xa0 Check it out if you want to reach your audience in more creative ways than just looking into the camera.

Available Now:

Alice Won? - Available now. Alice escaped the asylum and pursues the Queen of Hearts to the Greek Labyrinth in the underworld, there she must engage in a game of croquet unlike any other, against Jason of the Argonauts. Illustrated by Kenzie Kats, written by yours truly.

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